Senior and Bereavement Care
Senior and Bereavement Care at Emanuel’s Lutheran Church provides for the various needs of older friends and those experiencing grief. Senior and Bereavement Care Coordinator, Donna Simmons maintains personal communications with members of Emanuel's Lutheran Church through the following programs.
Making Your Grief Count - Porter Loring Mortuaries sponsors this Bereavement Support Group at Emanuel's. The program is facilitated by the Rev. Darwin Huartson and is open to the entire community. This program is designed to create a safe place to : embrace your grief and learn to bear it, discover how your loved one can live on into your life story, strengthen your characteristics of resilience, and plan for how you will continue to heal and live a meaningful life.
Senior Social Club - This lively groups gathers on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 11 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall for lunch, conversation, and other shenanigans. They also take field trips a few times a year to area sites such as The Schulenburg Painted Churches Tour.
Food, Fun & Fellowship - Widowed, divorced or single friends gather once a month to have a meal together, fellowship, and have fun. FF&F usually meets in the Women's Ministry Room following worship, but occasionally wanders off campus to a local restaurant.
Healing Through Conversations Support Group - This monthly group is for those who have been widowed and need help learning how to get through their grief and how to live in a new way.
Caregiver Café: Join other caregivers over a cup of coffee and refreshments. Share with others who understand and care. At Spirit of Joy the first Thursdays of each month at 9am and at Emanuel's the third Sunday of each month at 2pm. For more information contact Donna Simmons at 830 556 3542.
Homebound Communion - Communion is brought to the homes or our members who are unable to come to church for worship. Our Pastoral Care Team visits with members, offers communion, and keeps people in-touch with the life of the church.
Member Care - The Senior and Bereavement Care Coordinator works with the Pastoral Care Team, the Phone Care Team, and other volunteers through a number of outreach ministries. Birthday and Care Cards are mailed with regularity. Families facing hospitalization and illness are cared for. People in the midst of life's transitions are contacted and offered resources as able.
Prayer List-The Prayer List is updated weekly. As indicated, prayer requests are shared with members, the Pastoral Care Team, and/or the Prayer Phone Tree.
Special Events- Emanuel's hosts congregational and community events, often in partnership with other churches, throughout the year. Hope in the Holidays concerts and Family Summer Film Series' are recent offerings.
Would you like to become involved in senior or bereavement care? Email Donna Simmons to learn more about this vital ministry at Emanuel's Lutheran Church.